February 12, 2009

WordPress LiveLinks – Crackin’ New WP Plugin

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Ok, this is HUGE!

I mean “Knock your socks off”, “Blow your mind”, “WTF??” huge 🙂

I know it doesn’t really matter what “WE” (the developers) think. But you’ll see why I am so excited!

We have just completed two new WordPress plugins for DAP.

1. DAP WP LiveLinks:
Once you install this plugin, when someone visits your blog, they will ONLY see posts that they are “eligible” to view. This applies to your blog’s main page as well.

So, if a casual visitor arrives at your blog, they only see titles and their summaries for posts that have NOT been protected (not added to DAP at all).

For instance, if you have 100 posts, and have protected 95 of them, then on your blog’s home page, this visitor will see only 5 blog posts – titles and summaries – in TOTAL.

They won’t even see the titles or bodies of the protected posts. And if they somehow get the link to it (from someone else, by email, say) and try to visit it, then the already existing DAP protection kicks in, and they’re asked to login first to determine if they have access to that post as of “now”.

But once this same visitor logs in, all blog posts that were HIDDEN earlier MAGICALLY re-appear 😉 And they see all posts that they are CURRENTLY eligible to access (this excludes posts to which access already expired, and posts to which they don’t have access YET – i.e., future availability).

2. DAP WP Personalization Plugin:
This plugin lets you put the Dap Login Form on any blog “Page”. No longer have to send people to www.YourSite.com/dap/ to login.

Simply create a WordPress “Page” with the text %%LOGIN_FORM%% in the body, and when someone visits
the page, the login form automatically shows in it’s place.

This plugin also lets you PERSONALIZE blog post titles and body with MERGE variables. So, if you create a blog post with the title “Welcome %%FIRST_NAME%%“, then when your member logs in, they will see “Welcome John“.

And this is just the TIP of DAP Version 2.0 that’s coming in just a few days!

So stay tuned for v2.0 and other breaking news.

And if you need technical support, do not send an email. Open a support ticket at:

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

– Ravi Jayagopal
PS: Have you seen the updated documentation at…