November 17, 2009

WordPress User Integration

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We’re testing a new feature where every member in DAP now also automatically gets entered into the WordPress user database. So when they log in to DAP, they will also be logged in to your wordpress blog as a “Subscriber”.

What this means to you…

  • You can now use any WordPress plugin that uses the native WordPress user tables – like BB-Press and Simple Press (Forum Plugins)
  • Your DAP member can be automatically logged into the forum plugin (say), so they can participate in a discussion
  • If your member’s subscription expires, they will lose access to the forums
  • WordPress will now automatically recognize the logged in user in the comments section of a blog post or page

Plenty of possibilities.

But here’s where I need your help.

What are the plugins that you always wanted to use with DAP, but couldn’t do so because the native WP user integration wasn’t available?

– OR –

What are the plugins that you would like to use with DAP, now that the feature will be available shortly?

Please add your answers/comments/questions/suggestions  below.

Appreciate your feedback.

– Ravi Jayagopal