March 11, 2010

Coming Soon: DAP v3.7 & LL v1.2

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Here’s a pretty accurate list of what’s coming in a few days on 03/15/2010 03/16/2010….

* Spanking-new DAP Admin Dashboard Navigation Menu

* Comments on protected pages/posts are now hidden from un-authorized users. Comments are shown only to authorized, logged-in users who have access to view that post/page

* DAP now hides WordPress Page links from the sidebar as well as from the WP standard navigation menu. So if a WP Page (not the same as a WP Post) is protected and the user (logged in or not-logged-in) is not yet eligible to view it (or access has expired), then the link to the protected page will no longer even “display” on your blog’s sidebar.

* Title of the Login/Logout Widget on the sidebar, can now be customized

* Login/Logout Form can be completely changed to however you want it to look.

* One-Time Offers (OTO’s) are now free and part of core DAP

* Complete “Power Customization” of protected content error messages (ones with the DAP lock image)

* Ability to redirect unauthorized users to a custom URL : to any page on your site, to any page on any site, to a product-specific error page, or to your sales page.

* Separate customizable error messages for logged-in users (who have lost access to expired content, or because they don’t yet have access to it because of the dripping) and non-logged in users

* Login-form shows up right on the error page for non-loggedin users trying to access a protected link. So when someone visits a protected link, DAP will show them something to the effect of “Sorry, you don’t have access… Click here to buy access to this content. Already a member? Log in below…”

* You can customize every last piece of the error message.

* Custom Product-Level Redirection After Login: You already have this feature at a system-level, where you can say where users should go after login. Now, depending on what product or membership level the user has purchased, you can now configure them to go to a different page after login. To achieve this, you would publish multiple login forms on your web site, one per product/membership level. And pass a hidden form variable called “redirect”. So after the user logs in, you can take the user to any page on any site you want. In effect, what this does is allow you to control the “URL After Login” for different products, and allow you to redirect them to any custom page immediately after they login. Of course, you must set up one login form PER product. May not be too useful for the average DAP Admin, but this has been requested a lot for a while, so we decided to implement this. Low hanging fruit, actually :-). In a future version, you will be able to set this “POST_LOGIN_URL” at a Product level, right within the Product page.

* DAP is becoming a Platform! WooHoo! You will soon be able to Develop Plugins For DAP just the way people today can Develop Plugins For WordPress. So DAP will no longer be just a Membership Script – it will become an entire platform by itself – something that different developers and companies and vendors can extend easily without touching or modifying the DAP core files.

And finally…

* [HUGE] Upsell-Tree for Regular Paypal: You can now do 1-Click Upsells using just a plain ol’ Paypal Standard (business) account. No merchant account required. This Plugin will be sold separately and will not be released as part of DAP core.

And to think that we’re just getting started in 2010! DAP is absolutely going to ROCK! So stay tuned.

And feel free to comment below.


Ravi Jayagopal & Veena Prashanth