One-Time Offers (OTO)

OTO’s are now part of DAP. And they’re available for free to all DAP users.

This OTO script can also be used for making Upsells and Downsells too!

Only thing you have to remember is, that these won’t be 1-Click Upsells or 1-Click Downsells.  If you want true 1-Click Upsells, then do check out our plugin, Upsell-Tree, which allows you to do exactly that.

The Basics

  1. There is a file in your dap folder, called continue.php . This is the OTO script.
  2. Create and upload as many upsell and downsell pages – named, say, upsell1.html, downsell1.html, upsell2.html, downsell2.html – etc and store them in your root folder – the folder where your home page is (not in the dap folder).

Setting up continue.php

When you set up your buy button, after the sale, configure the “return url” to be:


Of course, you should have already created a page called upsell1.html and uploaded it to the root of your web site (where your home page is).

So after your buyer has purchased your product, and arrive at this first upsell page, the URL they see in their browser will actually look like…


They will not see the text “/upsell1.html” in the url, because continue.php would have already stripped out the file name from the end of the link.

So even if they bookmark it or share it with others, the URL they see will just be http://YourSite.com/dap/continue.php – which means they can’t get back to that page, and neither will the people they have shared the link with.

On each upsell page, you can make any offer you want. Let’s say you put the buy button on this upsell page to buy a different product. Now when you create the buy button for this new upsell product, make sure the “return url” for that button, is now…


And you can also put a “No Thanks” button on each of these upsell pages, which could in turn take them either to a downsell page, or to an order completion page (where you thank them for your purchase).

Button Code For “No Thanks”

If your “No Thanks” button is going to lead to a downsell page, then here’s the code:

<form action=“http://YourSite.com/dap/continue.php?url=/downsell1.html” method=”post” >
<input type=”submit” value=”No, Thanks. I’ll skip this special offer” />

If your “No Thanks” button is going to lead to a final thank you page, where there are no more upsells or downsells, and where you simply thank your buyer for the purchase, then the code for that is:

<form action=“http://YourSite.com/dap/continue.php?url=/thankyou.html” method=”post” >
<input type=”submit” value=”No, Thanks. I’ll skip this special offer” />

Yes, you do need to be just a little bit technical for this. So, if you absolutely did not understand anything written above, then you should probably not be attempting to be doing OTO’s.

But if you simply have questions about how to use this for what you’re thinking to do, please feel free to ask them in the comments below.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 22 comments
One-Time Offers (OTO) — The DAP Blog - February 15, 2010

[…] Click here to read the rest of the post and documentation on OTO’s. […]

Linda Lee - February 25, 2010

How do I get the nicer looking interface you have now?
I have only had the program for 2 weeks, when did you upgrade the look?

Ravi Jayagopal - February 25, 2010


It is not out yet. Should be released in about a week or so along with the other new features.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Fred - February 26, 2010

Ravi, it’s possibile to configure the OTO after the free direct signup?


Ravi Jayagopal - February 27, 2010


Of course. You can use the “redirect” field in the direct signup HTML to redirect to continue.php and set up what’s the OTO page is.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Ankur - March 12, 2010

Can this also help me with the pre-sale Upsell or is it only designed for post-sale Upsell?

Ravi Jayagopal - March 12, 2010


The OTO script will let you insert pages in any flow. So you can use it in both pre-sell and post-sell flow.

– Ravi Jayagopal

Alan Petersen - July 26, 2010


Does the OTO plugin work with ClickBank?

Paul - November 17, 2010

Is this the same as the upsell tree plugin for paypal standard?

So are people brought to paypal once and then to a final confirmation page as well after the upsells etc?


Veena Prashanth - November 17, 2010

Yes, it will work with CB. You just need to point the CB thankyou page to point to your OTO page.

Veena Prashanth - November 17, 2010

>> Is this the same as the upsell tree plugin for paypal standard? So are people brought to paypal once and then to a final confirmation page as well after the upsells etc?
<< With OTO, the user will be brought to Paypal each time unlike the paypal standard upsell plugin where the users have to login to paypal only once.

Marcello - April 12, 2011

It would be nice if you could set a special price for a product when the user buys from the upsell page.
I hope you can add it in some future release.


Kirk Ward - July 14, 2011

If the buyer comes back and buys another copy of the main product, can I send them to the same OTO page a second time, or a third time?

I want to hammer it home. LOL. But I don’t want it accessible unless they have just bought the lead product.

Colette - January 10, 2012

sussed it on another page

I am confused about pointing them to to DAP Thankyou Page – I need that to be an optimizepress salesletter page so I can show the thank you video then offer the upsell.

Can I combine the 2 together somehow? The functionality of the DAP Thankyou, and the styling of the Optimizepress Salesletter?

For golive I’ll lose the automated login, but at some point I’m going to need to combine it 🙂

thanks for any tips.

Veena Prashanth - January 10, 2012

>>If the buyer comes back and buys another copy of the main product, can I send them to the same OTO page a second time, or a third time? << Yes, if the button is configured to point to the OTO page, then each time a user makes a purchase via that button, they will land on the OTO page.

Veena Prashanth - January 10, 2012

>> I am confused about pointing them to to DAP Thankyou Page “ I need that to be an optimizepress salesletter page so I can show the thank you video then offer the upsell. < < The OTO page cannot be a WP page. Needs to be a static html page. >> For golive Ill lose the automated login, but at some point Im going to need to combine it << If you use the dap generated button for paypal, then you can use the 'redirect' tag in the button code to send users wherever you want upon purchase. So yes, you can send them to the OTO page this way without losing auto-login. DAP will first auto-login the user and then redirect to whatever you set in the redirect tag. Here's the documentation on DAP generated button for Paypal: http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/integrate-dap-generated-buttons-with-paypal/

Here’s the documentation on how to use the ‘redirect’ tag:


Russell Hall - July 18, 2012

I may have missed it and I may be stating the obvious but would it be correct to assume that once an OTO upsell is set up using the upsell1.html method then if an affiliate referred the purchaser to the main sales page then that affiliate would get a commission on the upsell also right?

Joe - October 7, 2012

does this work with redirect the free login to a OTO on a wordpress page?

Veena Prashanth - October 7, 2012

>> if an affiliate referred the purchaser to the main sales page then that affiliate would get a commission on the upsell also right? << Yes, as long as you have set commission for the 'product you are upselling', the same affiliate will receive commission for the main product and the upsell/oto product.

Veena Prashanth - October 7, 2012

>>does this work with redirect the free login to a OTO on a wordpress page? << Do you mean send users that complete free signup to an OTO page? Yes, you can redirect the users after they complete the DAP free signup to any page of your choice. You can redirect them to a WP page if that's where you have the OTO offer BUT 'continue.php' only works with static HTML page (non-WP html page). It will not work with WP page. So if you want to redirect users upon free signup to a WP page that has OTO offer, and say the url of WP page is http://YOURSITE.com/myoto, then set the ‘redirect’ tag in the dap direct signup form code to point to http://YOURSITE.com/myoto.

If you want to redirect users upon free signup to a NON-WP page that has OTO offer, and say the url of WP page is http://YOURSITE.com/myoto.html, then set the ‘redirect’ tag in the direct signup form code to point to http://YourSite.com/dap/continue.php?url=/myoto.html.

Joe - October 8, 2012


Thanks, great advice. I tried this and it worked great.
I use optmizepress for my theme, so in the seo tab on the OTO page, I used some javascript found here
to prevent the user from going back to the OTO after clicking the “No, thanks…” link.
This made the OTO page truly one time, and gave the ability to use the great graphics of OP for presenting the offer.
Really looking forward to diggin deeper into DAP and using it for bigger, better things!
Thanks so much.

Veena Prashanth - October 9, 2012

Hi Joe,

>> I used some javascript found here
to prevent the user from going back to the OTO after clicking the “No, thanks…” link.
This made the OTO page truly one time, and gave the ability to use the great graphics of OP for presenting the offer. << That's a great workaround. Thanks for the detailed message.


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