Using DAP to protect multiple blogs on a single site/domain

Protecting multiple blogs on 1 domain

DAP needs to be installed to the root of your website and not inside a subfolder.

So if you have a domain called yoursite.com, and if you installed dap correctly, you should be able to access dap login page via http://yoursite.com/dap in a browser.

To protect multiple blogs on the same domain, you just need to install and activate the DAP live links plugin in each of the blog (under wp-content/plugins folder).

When you activate the dap live links plugin in more than 1 blog, it will throw a warning about DAP already installed/activated. Ignore that warning about dap already installed.

Two things to note:

1) The list of available blog posts and pages that you see on the DAP Products page will only show the list from the last blog that was most recently updated. So if you just updated Blog A, and go into the Products page, DAP will show the list of all available pages & posts from Blog A. So if you want to protect Blog B content, then simply go into Blog B’s WP admin, edit and update any page or post (no need to make any changes, just a forced update of any post will do), and then when you go back to the DAP Products page, you will see the list now from Blog B.

DAP will still protect both blogs but whats displayed in dap admin panel -> products page depends on the blog last updated.

2) Make sure you think about what happens when DAP/WP sync is turned on. DAP could be syncing users to 2 different forums/wp databases based on which blog the user is on. If the user logs in to DAP, and accesses blog1, dap will sync the user to blog1. If the user logs in to DAP, and accesses blog2, dap will sync the user to blog2. The user will have 1 account in the dap database but the user account will be created in both WP databases (blog1/blog2).

So other than a few simple logistical issues to think about, DAP can very well support additional blogs on which installed. Just be sure to add the LiveLinks plugin to each new blog that you want DAP to support.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 23 comments
Roman - April 19, 2011

“So if you just updated Blog A, and go into the Products page, DAP will show the list of all available pages & posts from Blog B.”

I think you meant to say “Blog A”.

Veena Prashanth - April 22, 2011

Hi Roman,

You are right. I have corrected the post.

orion - August 9, 2011

do you can rename the directory (DAP) name to another name?



Veena Prashanth - August 9, 2011

No, renaming DAP to another name will NOT work.

Juan Martitegui - October 29, 2011

Will this work if I use WordPress Multisite?
I wanna have something like
http://www.accessyourproduct.com/product1 (one blog on multisite wordpress)
http://www.accessyourproduct.com/product2 (other blog on same multisite installation)


Cass - December 14, 2011

Will this work if the blogs are on different subdomains, e.g., members.domain.com and blog.domain.com?

Ravi Jayagopal - December 14, 2011

DAP does not work with WP Mu at this time. Sorry about that.

But you can have separate installations of WP in sub-folders, with one DAP installation at the root.

Ravi Jayagopal - December 14, 2011


One installation of DAP will not work on 2 different sub-domains. In that case, you have to have 2 separate installations of DAP within each sub-domain.

One installation of DAP will only work if the different blogs are installed within “sub-folders” of the same domain.

Like http://YourSite.com/blog1/ and http://YourSite.com/blog2/

– Ravi

Cass - December 18, 2011

I want to have a lot of freely available content, and then a private members area as well. I was considering doing this with two separate WP installs, one at root and one at /members.

But it occurs to me that management might be simpler if it were all one WP site.

I want one set of menus, pages and blog posts to appear to unregistered/unlogged in users, and a separate set of menus, pages and posts to appear to logged in members.

Is there a simple way to do this, say with blog categories or parent/child pages? Or would I have to manually designate every single page/post as I create them as public or private and tied to a specific product?

Ravi Jayagopal - December 18, 2011

Sure, you can create multiple menus, and anything on the custom menu’s or default page/post lists, that’s protected by DAP, will by default automatically disappear for non-logged in or non-members.

So they won’t even see the links on the menu for protected links.

If you want more control over the dripping of individual posts or pages, then you must protect them individually. However, if you want group-control over multiple posts, then you can protect entire categories too in DAP.

See http://www.digitalaccesspass.com/doc/protecting-an-entire-wordpress-category/

Russell - February 16, 2012

Do you have any intentions of making this work with subdomains? That would be FANTASTIC. If so what kind of time frame do you think?

If not, may a give this a +1 for putting this on your to do list.

Thanks =)

Ravi Jayagopal - February 17, 2012


Do you mean 1 DAP installation powering multiple sub-domains? Then it’s not going to happen any time soon, because of the inherent technical difficulties involving sub-domains, which are essentially domains of their own, and software one domain can’t easily work with content on another.

Not unless it’s all done through API’s and stuff, which is a very large project that we won’t be able to get to for quite a while.

If that’s not what you asked, then pls rephrase your question.


Colette Mason - February 18, 2012

I have multiple domains, i.e. http://www.site1.com http://www.relatedtosite1.com

When customers buy a product on relatedtosite1.com I want to offer access to http://www.site1.com as a bonus for the premium membership tiers for relatedtosite1.com.

How can I sync the two rather than have to manually create a login on http://www.site1.com when they sign up to relatedtosite1.com.

Both sites are on the same hosting package/server.

Thanks for any ideas 🙂

Veena Prashanth - February 18, 2012

Using our newly launched IPN Broadcast/Redirect Plugin, you can send IPN notification upon purchase to multiple DAP sites or even non dap sites.

You might be able to use it to accomplish what you need.

Checkout : http://wickedcoolplugins.com

Colette Mason - February 18, 2012

Hi Veena, I’ve just invested in a copy 🙂

Thanks – I think this is just what I need.



Veena Prashanth - February 18, 2012

That was quick :).

Thanks Colette!

Paul - January 19, 2013


The %%SITE_URL_DAP%% points to the route domain, which is for me not the membership site home page, which is inside a sub-folder.

Is it possible for this merge tag to point to the home page of the membership site?



Nick Wagner - May 7, 2013

I have a WordPress install at http://teamrcia.com

and another WordPress install at http://teamrcia.com/learningcenter

I have the DAP folder installed in the root and the plugin installed at http://teamrcia.com/learningcenter. It’s working great there.

I tried to activate a second plugin at http://teamrcia.com/wp-content/plugins/DAP-WP-LiveLinks

I got this error:
"Dap_Session" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/teamrcia/public_html/dap/inc/classes/Dap_Session.class.php on line 41

What am I doing wrong?

Veena Prashanth - May 7, 2013


Are you using dap 4.4.3 / LL ?

If yes, please see if this helps:

If not, please upgrade and see if you still get the error.


Chelsea - July 15, 2013

Hi Veena,

I’ve set up DAP on one site, http://www.attentionpresenting.com. It works fine there.
I’ve set up a second installation of WP, located at

When I install and try to activate DAP Live Links to use DAP on this second site, I get this error:

Warning: include_once(/home/brad/public_html/groupbuyingninja/dap/dap-settings.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/brad/public_html/groupbuyingninja/wp-content/plugins/DAP-WP-LiveLinks/DAP-WP-LiveLinks.php on line 301

What am I doing wrong?


Veena Prashanth - July 15, 2013

Hi Chelsea,

Your WP installation under groupbuyingninja seems to be looking for dap also under groupbuyingninja.

But dap is only at the root of the domain (attentionpresenting.com).

Try to add this to your wp-config.php at the root of your WP installation for groupbuyingninja.

if(!defined(‘SITEROOT’)) define(‘SITEROOT’, ‘/home/brad/public_html’);

See if that resolves it.


Veena Prashanth - July 15, 2013

BTW, replace all the occurences of backticks (’) above with doublequote (“).

WordPress is saving all the single/double quote in the define statement above with backticks (’). If you use it as is, it will break your wp install. So make sure to replace backticks with actual single or double quote character in your wp-config.php.

Chelsea - July 19, 2013

Hi Veena,

I think we’re close! I did get the warning that DAP was already installed. However, I also ended up getting other warnings. I will post these in a support ticket. Thank you!



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