Expiration Notifications / Renewal Reminders

We have a new feature starting DAP v4.4: “Reverse Dripping

This is where you can drip emails “X” days (where “X” is a number of your choice) before the access to a product ends for a member. So this is what you would use to send expiration notification / renewal reminder emails to your members.

To setup a renewal reminder email, you would set up the email as usual, and drip it as a negative day. So if you set up the email to drip on Day “-1”, then it means the email will be sent out 1 day prior to product expiry (for that product).

If you set it up to drip on “-3”, it will be sent out 3 days prior to access end date.

If you set it up to drip on “-7”, it will be sent out 1 week prior to access end date.

Renewal Reminder Email Setup

Warning: This is something you should set up only for recurring products that require manual renewal. Do not set up these emails to go out for automated subscription products, because the members will be charged automatically on the designated day every month, and asking them to renew will only confuse them.

  1. Create a new Autoresponder email with the product expiration notice, at Email > Autoresponders. In this email, you would say something like “Hey, your subscription is expiring in 1 week, so click on this link to renew… (followed by link to renewal page)”.
  2. Create another email that says “Hey, your subscription is expiring tomorrow…”.
  3. Go to Products > Manage and choose product for which you wish to set up renewal reminder.
  4. Switch to “Autoresponder” tab.
  5. Select the 7-day renewal reminder email from step 1 and add it to the product.
  6. Then click on the “Edit” link and set the drip day as -7
  7. Do the same for the 1-day reminder email as well, and this time set the dripping to be “-1”.

That’s it!

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