February 23, 2009

What’s New In DAP Version 2.0

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We’ve packed Version 2.0 with some incredible goodies. This is not a “how to” post. For documentation, visit the documentation blog.

(How to upgrade to v2.0?)

1. Two new WordPress Plugins for DAP

a) DAP WP LiveLinks:
Once you install this plugin, when someone visits your blog, they will ONLY see posts that they are “eligible” to view. This applies to your blog’s main page as well.

a) DAP WP LiveLinks:
Once you install this plugin, when someone visits your blog, they will ONLY see posts that they are “eligible” to view. This applies to your blog’s main page as well.

So, a casual visitor will only see titles and their summaries for posts that have NOT been protected (not added to DAP at all).

For instance, if you have 100 posts, and have protected 95 of them, then on your blog’s home page, this visitor will see only 5 blog posts – titles and summaries – in TOTAL.

They won’t even see the titles or bodies of the protected posts. It’s like the posts don’t even exist.

And if they somehow get the link to it (from someone else, by email, say) and try to visit it, then the already existing DAP protection kicks in, and they’re asked to login first to determine if they have access to that post as of “now”.

But once this same visitor logs in, all blog posts that were HIDDEN earlier MAGICALLY re-appear ;-) And they see all posts that they are CURRENTLY eligible to access. Which means they WILL NOT see posts to which access already expired, and posts to which they don’t have access YET (i.e., future availability).

b) DAP WP Personalization Plugin:

This plugin lets you put the Dap Login Form on any blog “Page”. No longer have to send people to YourSite.com/dap/ to login. Use tag %%LOGIN_FORM%%

Also PERSONALIZE blog post titles and body with MERGE variables like %%FIRST_NAME%%.

You can personalize up to 3 fields currently in Post Titles and Post Body.

1.1. WordPress Sneak-Peek: As soon as you turn this feature on, DAP will show all content from your blog posts, but only up to the “More” tag. So when Google’s spider (or your visitor) arrives at your blog after you publish a new post, it/they will see a summary of the post, instead of being redirected to a login page. This is extremely powerful from an SEO perspective.

2. “Remember me” functionality: You can click the checkbox to not be asked to login for 2 weeks.

3. Process Refund for Affiliates: Now when you process a “refund”, DAP will also reverse the affiliate commission. It will not reverse the Pay-per-lead amounts – only the Pay-per-sale amount.

4. Batch processing of Affiliates: Exporting/Re-exporting – Some affiliate management stuff.

5. Welcome Email upon Repeat-purchase: When an existing subscriber buys a new product, DAP now sends out a welcome email. Body of this email is configurable (see “Templates”).

6. Configurable Currency: Affiliate currency display was all in US dollars. Currency is now configurable.

7. “Post Cancellation Access”: This is a very, very powerful feature. Basically, what this means that, if your subscriber had actual access to content (file or blog post) at any point in the past, then they will always continue to have it, even if they cancel their subscription. Fully think about what this means to you before turning this on in Config.

8. ClickBank Templates: Minor changes to ClickBank recurring payments integration templates.

9. Logged-in URL: You can now configure the page (URL) that the user will be taken to, right after they login.

10. Login URL: Ability to configure which is the login page (for WordPress blogs).

11. Using a “+”: Fixed a bug where you couldn’t use a “+” in your email address earlier – like joe+test@example.com . Now you can.