October 16, 2009

DAP v3.3

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DAP v3.3 is almost here (Release date: October 27th).

If you can’t wait to get started, and wish to download the beta version, then email us and we will send you the download link.

Here’s the final feature-list of what’s in 3.3:

DAP Within WP

Finally! DAP can now be accessed within your WordPress Admin Dashboard (link to the bottom left on your WP admin menu).

WordPress blog posts & pages appear within DAP Products page

All your existing WordPress blog posts and pages will show up on the “Products” page. (Note: If you’re upgrading from an earlier version, then just edit any existing blog post (just one), and click on “Update” – no need to make any changes to the post/page. So basically, create or modify a post, and that triggers the creation of the posts/pages list that will show up on the DAP Products page. This applies to those who are upgrading only).

So no more copy-pasting permalinks from your blog into DAP. Just click and add to Product!

1-Click protection

Protect every post and page in your blog by adding them all to a product with just 1 click.

Select specific pages and posts from the list and protect them in 1-Click

You can selectively select multiple posts/pages from the new list on the Product’s page, and add them to the Product.

New “Interval” When Adding Multiple Posts/Pages

When adding multiple posts/pages to a product using 1-Click-Protection, you can now choose an “Interval” to separate these posts by.

So for example, if you are adding 10 posts using 1-Click, and choose the interval as 1, then all 10 posts will be added automatically separated by a day each (instead of adding them all on day 1 itself). So, choosing an interval of 1 will add your posts like this:

Day 10 – Post (newest post by published date)
Day 9 – Post…

Day 2 – Post…
Day 1 – Post (oldest post according to the published date)

And if you choose the interval 7, then, the 10 posts will be added with an interval of 7 days in between, like this:

Day 64 – Post (newest post by published date)
Day 57 – Post…

Day 8 – Post…
Day 1 – Post (oldest post according to the published date)

Product-specific Double-Optin & Thank-You Emails

Now you can set a product to be double-optin (optional), and also the thank-you email (optional) subject and body to be specific to that product.

If you leave the double-optin subject and body empty, then the product automatically becomes single-optin (meaning, no optin required).

If you leave the thank-you email subject and body empty, then no instant thank-you email will be sent.

Thank-you email will be sent (if you enter some text in there) regardless of the Optin – i.e it will be sent for both Single-optin or Double-optin. Of course, with Double-optin enabled, thank-you email is sent *after* your member has clicked on the double-optin link. For single-optin, it is sent instantly during signup.

Product-specific Aweber Lists

1) Note down the “Product ID” for the product that you are creating an aweber sign-up form for. You will see this “Product Id” on the Product page now (new field added) above the “Product Name” field.

2) So let’s say your product id is 1. Now remember the 3rdPartyForm.php in the folder /dap/inc/ ? Now make a copy of that file in that same folder, and rename that as 1.php (just the productid followed by “.php”). So if your product id were 10, this file would be called 10.php   .

3) The Aweber confirmation screen is triggered only during double-optin. So next, make sure you put some text in the Double-optin subject and body of that specific product (the global “Activation Email” and “Welcome Email” on the “DAP Templates” screen are no longer valid. All double-optin and thank-you emails are now product-specific)

4) That’s it. Now when when your member clicks on the confirmation link, that link will activate their account only for that specific product. And then, *if* there is a <productid>.php file in the dap/inc/ folder, that form will be presented to them. So for each product, you can now have a different <productid>.php file in the dap/inc folder. Which basically means, you can add the members of each product to a different list on Aweber.

New Group on “Email Broadcast” screen:

Send BulkMail to users who signed up for <product list> between <date 1> and <date 2>

So for example, you can schedule an email to go out to all users who signed up for “Potty Training Tips” between 10/01/2009 and 10/15/2009.

New Config item in “Config > Advanced”

“URL to which User is redirected to when there are no posts are available for display”

This allows you to protect *all* posts and pages in your blog. Then, when someone visits your blog, or a category in which all posts are protected, and WordPress doesn’t know what to show the user, it will redirect them to this URL you enter in the above field. You could create a special WP page called “Members Only” and on this page, you can write some copy about why the user is not able to access the content on your blog. This redirection applies only to non-members who are not logged in to your membership site, and visit your blog’s main page, and you have all posts protected. Or when they try to visit a category in which all posts are protected. Or the category itself is protected.

New Config item in “Config > Advanced”

“How many users to show in the results on the ‘Manage Users’ search screen?”

Default is 25. So on the Users > Manage screen, you will see as many results as you specify in this config field.

2 New Reports on DAP Admin Home Page

1) Earnings Summary By Month: Shows a summary of gross earnings per product, per month, for the time period selected.

2) Incoming Affiliate Traffic: Shows all incoming affiliate traffic (referers: what sites they are coming from), for the time period selected.

Default time period on the page: Last 1 week, including today

Customizable Error Page

New Merge variable for errors: %%MSG%%

You can create a new page, say, titled, “Oops” or “Error”. And in the body of the post, put in the text %%MSG%%

Then, in the DAP Product page, in the “Error Page URL” field, put in the permalink to the above error page.

So now, when a logged-in user clicks on a link that is not yet available to them, or has already expired, then they will be taken to this new error page, with the DAP error message correctly displayed.

DEPRECATED: Activation Email & Welcome Email

The global “Email: Activation” and “Email: Welcome” Templates are now deprecated. Activation (double-optin) and Thank-You (welcome) Emails are both now Product-specific.


There is no more %%ACTIVATION_KEY%% merge variable.

There is only %%ACTIVATION_LINK%%

No need to “assemble” the activation link any more by entering something like:

All you have to do is to enter:

…in the body of your double-optin email, and that automatically gets translated to the full link (including the “<” and “>” at the beginning and end to prevent the link from breaking up):

Products Page: Default Product Selection

When you click on the “Products” page, your oldest product (the one at the top of your products list) will be automatically loaded by default.

Manage Users: Default Search

When you click on the “Users > Manage” link, the search will be triggered by default, just as if you had hit the “Search” button with all the default search options.

Automatically logs in DAP Admin (forever)

…during installation or admin login

Update: 1ShoppingCart Email Parsing Template

1ShoppingCart recently made a change to their sales notification email format. This update will modify the email template to recognize the change.

Feel free to comment below.

– Ravi Jayagopal