August 2, 2014

Spoofed Email Spam from

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Ah, the joys of being the creators of a very popular system like DAP 🙂

It was just brought to our attention that some hacker has been sending out spam pretending to be us – using the email id James _at_ – could be others too.

It’s like those emails that come to you from a bank pretending to warn you about your account getting hacked – a bank where you most probably don’t even have an account. But if those emails are sent to enough people, it would eventually reach a few who actually DO have an account at that bank. So it’s a matter of numbers, really.

Please note that we here at have never, ever spammed our customers, and never ever will. So if you receive any email from an African Princess or anyone else promising to send you large amounts of money to your bank account, or wants you to buy some random thing online or wants you to go to a strange web site, then please know that it’s definitely not us :-).

All emails we send out have links pointing back to, and not to some suspicious-sounding, random third-party domain name.

So please use caution if you see emails that appear to be coming from us.

Other than this email spam issue, all other systems are running fine, and no other issues to report at this time.

So just delete such emails along with the rest of the enormous amount of spam you receive everyday, and get back to having a wonderful weekend! 🙂


– Veena & Ravi