May 4, 2020

1 Click Membership Login!

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Membership Login Made Easy!

NEW: 1-Click Membership Login - using Facebook!

Watch this Video for a quick demo

I'm excited to let you know that we've just released a 1-click membership login feature and it's all built into DAP!

You won't need an additional plugin to do this. It'll take you just a couple of minutes to set this up. 

Watch the short video above to see step-by-step how to set this up.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Create an app for your domain and make it live. Watch video to see how to set it up. 

Step 3: Make the app live and copy the Facebook API key and secret key from the Basic Settings tab.

Step 4: Copy the Facebook API key and secret key and enter it in DAP setup >> config page >> social media section >> Facebook fields. 

Step 5: Go to DAP Member Pages >> Add a new login page (or edit your existing login page).

Step 6: Select "Login with Facebook" template, customize (if needed) and save! It'll give you a shortcode. Publish it wherever you want the login form to appear (on any WordPress page).

That's it! 

We've just released DAP v7.9.9.6 / LL v4.9.9.6 and it supports this new "Login with Facebook" feature! It's a beta release so if it's a live/busy site, please do not install this upgrade until this release becomes final (likely next week).

DAP v7.9.9.6 Release Details

BETA Release:

Please note that this is a BETA release of DAP v7.9.9.6 and LiveLinks v4.9.9.6. If your site is live/busy, do not upgrade yet.  

How to become a DAP Elite Member:
Many dappers have already switched over to the Elite Membership! It comes with access to all of our plugins (including our two top plugins - and and access to "unlimited premium support" where If things don't work on your site for any reason, we'll login to troubleshoot the problem. Click HERE to find out more.

Access Expired?
If you don’t find DAP v7.9.9.6 and DAP LiveLinks v4.9.9.6 zip files in your member’s area, it’s probably because your access to DAP Support & Upgrades has expired. Click here to find out how you can renew your support/upgrade access for another year.

DAP's Facebook Group

If you have any questions about this release and the new updates, please let us know in the comments section below or post your questions/feedback in my Facebook group. 

We look forward to your feedback :-).

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